Pastor Chris Dorsey

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Pastor Steven Christopher Dorsey is a recent graduate of Oakwood University (May 2023) and is employed by the South Central Conference of Seventh-Day Adventist as the Associate Pastor for Oakwood University Church in charge of Evangelism and New members.
Pastor Dorsey has had to the opportunity of working on both coasts in two City-wide evangelistic meetings for Breath of Life TV ministries as a Bible instructor. As a result over 100 souls have given their hearts to the Lord and Pastor Dorsey had a part in bringing many of them to Christ. While attending Oakwood last fall, he had the privilege of working again with Pastor Snell and Breath of Life team for the Hope Rally in Huntsville, Alabama where 69 souls gave their hearts to Jesus.
During his time at Oakwood University, he was a student athlete. In 2019 Christopher was appointed an Ambassador for Fellowship of Christian Athletes for the state of Alabama and he also served as the team pastor and encouraged three of his teammates to get baptized. His final year of playing basketball he made 2nd Team All American for his Conference.
Throughout the years he has had the privilege of working in evangelistic crusades with his grandfather Evangelist Lawrence S. Dorsey Sr.  in the Southern California and South Atlantic Conferences. He has assisted at the Annual Pacific Union Pastor Retreats, spoken at numerous youth days in the Greater Los Angeles Region, as well as, at the Annual Pacific Union Bible Instructors Guild in San Diego 2023 ,and Youth Congress in Phoenix, Arizona in 2023. Most recently he spoke for Oakwood University during the “Reset Series” encouraging a healthy start and lifestyle change with Christ this for the New Year and beyond.
God has impressed upon his heart that the key to evangelism is active Bible Work and personal relationships. He understands that by meeting people’s personal needs, along with teaching them the scriptures, helps to build strong spiritual people of all ages, that will be ready for the Kingdom. Pastor Dorsey’s mission is to empower the youth with the Word of God and help bring souls to Christ one day at a time.

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